Just a reality check. Captain Khan gave his life for his country. His parents paid a sacrifice that is worse than death. We owe it to him, his family, and to our American principles to pay the respects of a grateful nation.
But news flash, neither Trump’s nor Hilary Clinton’s children have served in the military. None of them have ever put on a uniform. None of them have every put themselves in harm’s way. None of them have ever signed away their rights to fall under UCMJ. So this idea being bandied about, this “what have you sacrificed” line is complete nonsense. Before we add on to the media’s and politicians’ politicization of the grief and the heartache of a family who lost their son, we might want to have an honest look at the woman who sent men and women to fight and die in Iraq, and at a man who is vulgar and disrespectful to a family that lost their son.
I’m not telling you who to vote for, I just hope that you’re as tired as I am with this “royal we” mentality and the pot calling the kettle black arguments.